In 2025 the Town Pump Charitable Foundation will award hundreds of grants statewide.
We request that all grant applications be completed in the grant application portal. This will ensure our ability to facilitate the grant process efficiently, allow us to maintain records accurately, and ensure smooth communication with applicants,
We offer several grant programs through the year and ask that you select the correct grant application that corresponds to the program you're applying for. See below for further information.
Town Pump Charitable Foundation has begun examining Montana's needs to determine an additional focus under which we can offer a special grant program in a particular year.
Here are some examples & information on the special grant programs we have offered in the past several years.
Thriving Generations Grants - Applications open 2/17/25
70th Anniversary Grants
112 $7,000 grants
Learn more about this program and the organizations which received grants.
EMT & Ambulance Grants
This grant application is for use by Montana libraries applying for a $1,000 summer reading grant.
Applications are accepted from March 1 – April 30, with grants being awarded in May.
This grant program supports schools, food banks, and service organizations that provide weekend meal programs for Montana school children.
Grant applications are accepted from early August through late September.
Each year, Town Pump stores, casinos and hotels collect $1 donations toward our Food Bank Campaign. Town Pump Charitable Foundation matches these donations dollar for dollar and then provides the proceeds to food banks and soup kitchens in the local area where the donations were collected.
Donations are collected from October 1 to November 30th each year and grants are awarded in December.
Each year the Town Pump Charitable Foundation awards 200 - $500 grants to groups working to make Christmas brighter for our Montana neighbors.
Grant applications are accepted from October to December annually.
The Town Pump Charitable Foundation was established in 1999 with the mission of providing financial support to Montana charitable or governmental organizations with a priority on supporting the basic needs and education for Montana citizens.
The Town Pump Charitable Foundation focuses on three primary areas:
Although we would love to help everyone, the Foundation generally does not fund:
Our culture of good stewardship also ensures that we meet or exceed the expectations of Montanans. Every day, the Town Pump Foundation strives to make our communities stronger, safer, and more sustainable.
Please use this application for any grant request that is not listed above.
General grant applications will be accepted from January 7, 2025 – December 19, 2025.
The first time you utilize the application portal you will need to complete a very short registration form and select a password. Once registered, you can complete an application.
Our grant portal will allow you to check the status of your grant request and allows for better communication between the
Foundation and your organization.
Should you have any questions please contact us at:
PO Box 6000,
Butte, MT 59702