Thriving Generations Grants • In 2025, The Town Pump Charitable Foundation will be providing one-time funding to Montana Senior Citizen Centers. These grants can be used for repairs and maintenance, programing costs, equipment replacement, and other services determined by the local board of directors. Grant Applications are open now.
Town Pump Charitable Foundation is now seeking applications for our 2025 Keep Kids Reading grant program.
Town Pump Foundation's 2024 Year In Review is available for review
Town Pump supports Montana schools through funding for literacy programs, weekend backpack food programs, and after school programs.
Building our next generation of leaders is at the heart of our focus & values.
Supporting the project to re-light Butte's Headframes
Meals for Backpacks
Announcing $725,000 in grants statewide!
Many of our Montana neighbors live in rural, remote, low population areas without access to emergency food assistance or nutritious quality food. The Montana Food Bank Network offers Mail-A-Meal in 26 counties either through Mail-A-Meal drop-sites or Mail-A-Meal Direct providing 30 pound boxes of shelf stable food. Town Pump is pleased to offer financial assistance to the Montana Food Bank Network to support this innovative program.
More information can be found at on the MFBN website by clicking here..
The Town Pump Charitable Foundation was established in 1999 with the mission of providing financial support to Montana charitable organizations with a priority of supporting/meeting basic needs and education for Montana citizens.
Our culture of good stewardship also ensures that we meet or exceed the expectations of Montanans. Every day, Town Pump strives to make our communities stronger, safer and more sustainable.
PO Box 6000,
Butte, MT 59702